Friday, 2 August 2013

Per Line of Text Transcription Charging

transcription services
Transcription Services
There are so many different types of transcription services available in the market these days. Like anything else in the market, these transcription services have different levels of charges. Some of them cost a lot of money while others cost much less than that. Mostly, the difference in the costs because of the quality of the transcripts but it is also because of the different charging methods used by the transcription services providers. The most frequently and commonly used transcription charging method is called per line of typed text method.

Per line of typed text is normally explained as: a common measurement instrument has been set which puts one typed line of a transcription to be equal to sixty five key strokes. The way it works is that the transcription services providers and their customers agree on a fixed rate per one key stroke and then the customer is charged according to the number of keystrokes transcribed for him or her. This method is used a lot in medical transcription industry than any other field. This is a very effective method of charging for transcription but it comes with a risk. The customer does not know how much he or she is going to pay for the transcription services until the final bill arrives.

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