Saturday, 28 September 2013

Business Transcription Services

Businesses and organizations have needed professional transcription services ever since they started fearing loosing to their competition. That is the reason why converting audio and video content into well written and professional transcripts has been a very good source of income for a lot of people for quite a long time now. Before the technological advancements in the modern electronics area, transcription was done by manual labor. That means that people would do the entire work themselves; they would listen to the audio or video files over and over again to try to make sure that they do not make any mistakes.
Over the years thought, with so many advancements in electronic equipment and computer systems and software  the job of a professional transcription services provider has become so much easier. There is so much new machinery available in the market now that makes the transcription work much efficient. Plus, with the help of voice recognition software  computers are able to convert the audio from any file into a text format all by itself up to 99% accuracy. All the transcription services provider has to do is to check the final transcripts to see if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes before sending them to the customer.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Characteristics of Good Transcription Services

With so much intense business competition in the market these days, every business and organization is looking for good quality transcription services. That is the reason why there are a large number of transcription services providers and transcription companies offering professional transcription services. The only set back of having so many transcription services providers in the market is that the ones who can do the job right are very few in number and the rest of them are just out to scam their clients. If you want to get professional transcription services, here are a few things to consider before hiring someone.
Most of the time the transcription work that the transcription services providers do contains important information like classified data or strategies etc which is only restricted to the top management inside the organization. Transcribing that kind of data requires a good deal of confidentiality assurance which should be provided to the client so they can trust the service provider. Another thing to look for is how long have they been offering professional transcription services. The longer they have been in the business will mean that they truly have the skills and the experience to provide quality services because otherwise they would not have lasted that long.

Why Professional Transcription

Professional Transcription Services
It is repeated over and over again in a lot of different places that almost every organization in the world uses professional transcription services and it is true too. With all the new companies and organizations coming into the market everyday, the competition between them is getting more and more intense. That is the reason why they use professional transcription services rather than doing the work themselves and that is also why there are so many transcription services providers in the market these days.
There are a lot of different reasons why these organizations use professional transcription besides the fact that they want to beat their competition. The biggest reason is that with the help of professional external services, these organizations save a lot of their time to focus on their core functions and also it is a whole lot cheaper than staffing and paying a separate department just for transcription.
Another reason is that external transcription services providers offer transcripts which are professional in every manner. You will not have t worry about sending a letter to your customers and then your customers finding typos and spelling mistakes in the letter because that highly effects the reputation of your organization.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription
These days transcription services are being used by every business, every organization and a lot of other fields on almost a daily basis. Some of them use these services because they do not want to do it themselves; instead, they want to use that time to concentrate more on their basic goals and objectives. But, some of them use these services because they just do not have the time to do the transcription by themselves. Also, they want their transcription work to be as professional as it can get.
In all the different kinds of transcription services available in the market today, medical transcription is the oldest and the most used one as well. In the early days, physicians would just write down all the information they got from the patients themselves and on the spot. Then, after some time and with the increased use of the recording devices, professional services providers emerged who would do the transcription for a price.
As more and more transcription services providers came to the market, the competition increased and they started offering high quality services on low rates to attract more customers than others. These days tough, the quality has increased even more and the process has become even simpler with the invention of voice recognition software.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Transcription Charges Calculation

Transcription Services
Transcription Services
Unlike a lot of other fields, in the transcription field there is no fixed rate for the process and not even a single way to calculate the charges. Every transcription services provider calculates the charges for his or her work by the method that suits them best. Of course, the customers are informed in the contract about the method they are going to be charged for the transcription work. Customers only make a contract with a service provider if they think the method of charging is also in their favor as well. Here are a few ways how transcription services providers charge for their work.
Some service providers like charge their customers according to per page of the transcription work they do. Some charge their customers according to the amount of lines they transcribe; in most cases the service providers look at one line of work as 65 key strokes. Some transcription services providers charge their customers on the basis of the amount of time they spend on a specific transcription work. This method is relatively expensive because usually the amount of time it takes to transcribe a recording or a dictation is almost more than five times the length of the recording.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Good Transcription Services

There are more and more transcription services providers coming to the market these days because of the constantly increasing demand of transcription services by almost every business and organization throughout the world. It does not matter what field an organization is related to for it to require these services because transcription is used in almost every area and every area requires a different set of guidelines for transcription. Most of the time transcription is even named according to the nature of work being transcribed like medical transcription is for health care industry, legal transcription is for law firms and such, academic transcription is for students and professors etc.
The size of the entity providing transcription services does not matter as long as the quality of services provided is good; it can be one person sitting in his home providing transcription services or it can be an entire company. All that the services provider has to make sure is that the work is done within a minimum amount of time, the work should be accurate and the service provider should not leak privilege information. Plus, the service provider needs to have a good deal of knowledge about the field he is transcribing his work in, for example, a medical transcriptionist should have knowledge about medicine.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Importance of Transcription Services

Transcription Services
Transcription Services
Almost every business these days hires an external transcription services provider to help get its transcription work done; whether it is a transcription company like or an individual professional who works from home. The reason why these businesses prefer an external services provider over hiring their own employees is to minimize their manufacturing and operating costs and to increase their efficiency. Also, this way they can save a lot of their valuable time to focus on their main objectives like manufacturing high quality products or providing high quality services.
In every business and organization there are need for interviews, meetings and conferences etc and these events take place consistently. But the organizations also need to keep a record of everything that goes on which is why they need all their recorded interviews, meetings and conferences to be in the shape of hard copies. This is what transcription services providers do; they receive audio or video files, recordings of the proceedings mentioned earlier, and their job is to extract that audio file and put every word of it in a text format preferably a Microsoft Word document. The services providers make sure that they provide high quality transcripts with no mistakes and with proper punctuations where needed.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Medical Transcription Providers

Medical Transcription
Medical Transcription Providers
Medical transcription is used to make and maintain hard copies of patients’ records by converting the audio recordings of the conversations between a patient and a health care professional and the additional notes which are recorded later by the health care professional into a well written text format. Although, it sounds like an easy job to transcribe medical recordings into text form but only the people who do the job are aware of the challenges they face to make a good transcript.
There are a lot of things that medical transcribers have to consider and make sure they do not mess anything up if they want to offer good quality medical transcription services. In order to be able to provide medical transcription services, an individual has to have all the necessary skills like he should have a good enough knowledge of the medical field, he should know every short word, every terminology and every abbreviation that is normally used in the medical recordings and he should have a good sense of the grammar, correct spellings and any required punctuation  Plus, before someone can become a professional medical transcription services provider, he has to go through a certain amount of necessary training process.